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Cookie Monster

Age: 1400 years old
DOB: 30 April 1990000
School: Singapore Chinese Girls School; Ex Henry Parker

i like...
Cookie monster, cookies, expecially chocolatechip type X)
i hate...
bowen. definitely bowen. he's on the top of my list. umm...i hate it when the bus doesn't come when i've been waiting for it for hours, when i don't get what i want, my handwriting. pretty much, thats all. OH YAR I HATE IT WHEN JIMMY ASKS ME IF I WANT APPLE AND I HATE APPLES TOO.
let sing along

bedtime now

cookie-d x March 2008
cookie-d x April 2008
cookie-d x June 2008
cookie-d x July 2008
cookie-d x November 2008
cookie-d x March 2009
cookie-d x April 2009


elmos & bigbirds-Lalala

my other blog


x x x x x x x
Thursday, April 24, 2008

I can’t eat cookie, cookie has letter M on cookie.

I can’t eat letter M, letter M is letter of day… but I want cookie.

I have idea!

I will disguise cookie so I will not know it’s cookie!

(Puts fake nose and glasses on cookie)

Cookie? Cookie? Where are you cookie?

(Talks to disguised cookie)

Sir, sir have you seen cookie?

Where is cookie! Sir?

(Smells cookie)

Wait a minute…

(Smells cookie again)

You not sir! YOU COOKIE! COOKIE!!!

(Eats cookie)

Mmm… cookie cookie… cookie good.

spoke at : 12:48 AM
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

hey peeps

haven't been writing for a loooooooooooong time. had oral on mon and tues...SO SCARY K! i think i sucked at both. but anywayz, nuthin new, juz that the vincent ng(or sumthing liddat) (weng xin hai or sumthing)came to our sku k!!! since lu lao shi is his GREATEST fan, vanessa and yuet ching was like, running up from the first level to the seventh just to tell lu lao shi about it. and wad happens in the end? she just says, that she doesn't like him anymore....haiz...SO NAN DE DE JI HUI K! WAH LAO EH. and our efforts were wasted XD. still it was quite fun seeing cheryl and vanessa doing the lu lao shi and weng xin hai*(also known as jon hann and tamara) thingy.

anywayz. back to the subject. my chinese oral sucked. i didn't even have enough time to do reading k...but luckily the teacher was quite nice. and suyi says she's bad. WTH?

english was mrs mona leong. I can admit that i did quite well, but she was strict. WHAT CAN I DO MAN? so unfair. i was hoping i could get cecilia. at least she'd be bious towards all the students that she taught before lol.

really miss badminton training. i wish that it would just continue for no damn reason-haven't been meeting alot of my teammates lately n i tink we'd soon juz forget each other[with qi wei as an exeption since i steal her drink everyday] maybe after psle we can have it again?

AND THE MAIN POINT OF TODAY!!!! XDXD I SAW PAN LAO SHI AT LI JIA'S HOUSE!!!!!! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMOGMOGMOGMOMG RITE! li jia, tam and i went to the playground then we saw this creepy man and we freaked out and wanted to go home so me and tam went to the bus stop and then when 75 came, tam boarded it and guess WHO ALLIGHTED?!?!?

Then tam was like, cursing to herself for boarding the bus and i started toking rubbish to her as usual. she still looked so pretty with her skirt lol. Then i asked her why she came back so early and then she said that ta yao gai zuo wen and that after she gai wan zuo wen she was going swimming. I was abit grossed out at that part. SWIMMING? IMAGINE HER IN HER SWIMMING COSTUME! maybe bikini? i noe she's pretty, but i've never imagined teachers in their SWIMMING COSTUME. maybe she'll look quite nice. BTW, i asked her where she was swimming and she pointed to a long kang and said there. Amazing how news spread. soon li jia, tam, crystal and elaine knew and i received a WHOLE LOT of smses. See how popular pls is? XDXD

oh well~ cya peeps...trida blog soon again but compo exam coming[DAMN]

spoke at : 12:29 AM
Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Automatic - Monster Brain fried tonight through misuseThrough misuse, through misuseYou can't avoid static abuseAbuse, abuseWithout these pills you're let looseYou're let loose, you're let looseTake off, get out, no excuseNo excuse, no excuseWhat's that coming over the hillIs it a monster? Is it a monster?What's that coming over the hillIs it a monster? Is it a monster?What's that coming over the hillIs it a monster? Is it a monster?What's that coming over the hill?

spoke at : 2:51 AM
another untitled post...





nuthin much has happened in sku nowadayz juz tt im lyk, almost completely surrounded by boys...and they're SO DAMN ***** IRRITATING THAT I FEEL LIKE KICKING THEM ON THEIR ********* ********. swear swear.

oh...and i hugged dingen, got my $5 and now im gonna hug jon hann for lyk, no reason, juz tt he started it [FOR SOME UNKNOWN REASON THAT IS CONFIDENTIAL COZ IT'LL EMBARRASS ME IN FRONT OF EVERYONE]so now i go to the back of his seat, stand there till he notices, and then he'll freak out and run around the whole class like some mad dog... the best thing is, the other boys spray water, take the stuff on my table[RIGHT BOWEN?] and try to cut my hair[RIGHT EDISON?]. I am DEFINETLY, definetly cry. as in lyk, fake cry, lyk wad i did at jill's hse.

i am super pissed with the teachers for giving us so much hw nowadays, that i feel like swearing right in front of their faces. It's not supposed to be torture isit. we pay to go to sku. the teachers get money to go to sku. it shud make sense if we dun pay and we dun go to sku too then. if not, the teachers shud bow to us for giving them money. we pay, they recieve. they scold, we recieve. WHAT TYPE OF LOGIC IS THIS?

honestly, the person hu invented sku is a big fat bastard.

but in the end, i'll still hav to do my hw and i'll still hafta leave.gonna go now to do that stupid pile of hw that makes no sense to me at all.





spoke at : 1:57 AM
Friday, April 4, 2008

Lalalalala. I've been piled with tons of hw every single day that i dun even hav time to breathe...and my mum has been coming home at 3.30p.m.(duh...obviously it cant be a.m.)and trying to STUDY with me. gawd manz...i lost my freedom. Haiz...wish i wasn't the youngest.

Can't wait for wee lin's party tmr! XDXD gonna give her lots of hugs and kisses to celebrate her bdae. So sad qingze couldn't come k! me and tam were like, waving the invitation right in front of him, trying to make him memorize it. lolx. Anywayz, still can't make up my mind wad to give her! I've been thinking for one freaking day and nuthin comes to my mind...as usual.

<3 if u think wee lin is sexy clap ur hands
(clap clap clap) XDXD

spoke at : 2:06 AM